This is my first post to participate, so I hope I’m doing this correctly. If you want to participate, just go here and get started!
1. What is your favorite song to have sex to? Anything by Enigma or old school 80’s hair bands
2. What is your vision of hell? All the people who have ever hurt me, they serve horrible food (only water), and hot temps
3. In the film made of your life, who will play you? Hmm….Jennifer Grey in a fat suit
4. What is the one thing you most urgently need to tell your mom? That I love her and that I wish I could see her today, to talk to her about arrangements
5. What will be carved onto your tombstone? just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a beautiful butterfly
And the bonus: What is your drag name (which would be, first name: the name of your first pet; last name: the name of the street you grew up on)? Brutus Berlin
One Response
Rob says...
1. Ain’t Even Done With the Night. After 7 years of dating, she wanted to put her hand in my back pocket. Might just be the reason she finally agreed to marry me. No, I’m not kidding. Wedding night was our first time.
2. My vision of Hell? We’re all standing there waiting for judgment in a hall that’s a quarter mile wide and oodles long. There’s a white line down the center. Jesus sneaks out from behind a curtain and says “Pssst! Hey! Everyone! Judgment starts in 5 minutes. Everyone on this side (He points to His right) goes to Heaven. Everyone on that side (points to His left) goes to Hell. Everyone goes over to the right side except for one man — Adolph Hitler, standing there defiantly. There’s a Jewish man. When you look at him, he looks both healthy and like he has a number tattooed on his arm and he just died from being gassed. He sneaks up behind Hitler, whacks him on the back of his head, knocks him unconscious, kicks him a couple times — just to make sure he’s unconscious of course — and then drags him over to the right side. My vision of Hell is “empty.” God finds a way. We’re all surprised and realize just how really cool God is and have a great celebration for Him. After the party, we spend the next 10,000 years apologizing to each other and giving each other hugs and saying “It’s ok. Really!” And it really is.
3. Jim Carey, playing one of his screw-up loser characters.
4. That I miss her. She’s been gone two decades.
5. “Epic Fail.” Ok, so maybe the antidepressants aren’t working right now. Or maybe that’s why I’m depressed. Who knows?
6. Zipcode Millet. Unless you count my mother’s dog that wanted to kill me and I felt sorry for. I was 4 years old when she was put to sleep because she was too dangerous, in which case it’s Lady Millet, which is a lot better as a drag name but sort of creepy but sort of appropriate for who I am.